Ladbrokes Scottish Championship 2019 - 2010

All matches in the SPFL were suspended on 13 March because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The members were asked to vote in April on a proposal from the SPFL's Board to curtail the season in the lower three divisions but, this being Scotland, the affair descended into acrimonious farce. Before the final ballots had been counted the SPFL announced that the outcome depended on Dundee FC's vote, which had gone missing. Copies of the signed and dated ballot were circulated in the media the following day indicating the club had voted "no" but Dundee's chairman insisted that this should be discounted. When the club's vote was finally received it was in favour of ending the competition.
Earlier a counter-proposal from Rangers to distribute prize money equally was dismissed by the board and now the club embarked on a media war alleging "serious concerns surrounding the SPFL's ...stewardship of the voting." Unsurprisingly their calls for an independent enquiry failed to attract the support of the 75% of clubs required.
You are welcome to Contact Me with corrections and additions.
Contributors are credited in brackets. Opinions expressed on this page are those of HFK and not contributors.
Premiership | Championship | League One | League Two
Designer: Pendle
Sponsor: Northern Gas & Electric
Alloa's amber and black strip is retained with new socks and a new sponsor. The white alternative is new.
Designer: Pendle
Sponsor: Megatech Projects Ltd
The Red Lichties last played in the second tier between 2001 and 2003. They are wearing all maroon once again and the shirt has graded hoops printed into the front. The alternative has an amusing yoke that is broken to accommodate Pendle's logo.
Designer: Adidas
Sponsor: Bitcoin SV
Adidas' Regista 18 design is used for both of Ayr's new kits which, as usual were launched with the help of nude models and body paint. HFK has a message for the PR firm responsible for this annual farce: "WAKE UP! WE ARE NOT LIVING IN THE SEVENTIES ANY MORE!"
(Detenator Ninety)
Designer: Macron
Sponsor: Switch Gas & Electric.Com
Dundee were relegated last season and it's all change for 2019-20. Macron have a five year contract to supply the team's kit and there is a new shirt sponsor. The dark blue and white strip is refreshingly lacking in gimmicks while the white alternative has minimal dark blue trim. The third strip continues the club's asociation with the SSAFA and the Black Watch.
(Stephen Borland, Ben Gershaw)
Designer: Macron
Sponsor: Utilita
It's fifty years since United first adopted tangerine and black and it would have been nice to see them play in a re-creation of their original 1969 strip but, as Spike Milligan said, "You can't have everything. Where would you put it?" Instead the diagonal shadow stripes seem to echo the Adidas outfits of the 80s. The alternative is black with tangerine trim and horizontal pinstripes on the front of the shirt.
(Detenator Ninety)
Designer: Joma
Sponsor: SRJ Windows
For me the definitive Dunfermline look involves black candy stripes on a white shirt. Black shirts with contrasting pinstripes have appeared before (2000-01 & 2006-07) and this version is probably superior in terms of design. The yellow change strip is absolutely outstanding and manages to include the club's primary colours as well as the commonly used red accent.
Designer: Vision Outsourcing
Sponsor: Millions
The interesting take on 'Ton's hoops is retained while the new change strip, designed by a supporter, came out top of a fan poll.
(David Watson)
Designer: Errea
Sponsor: McEwan Fraser Legal Services
Caley Thistle's first strip must always include black and red, the colours of Inverness Thistle but at first glance the black seems to have gone missing. Indeed, the new "home" strip appears to be almost plain which will never do. But draw closer, my dears, and discover the swatches of colour splashed diagonally across the shirt. Closer still to see each one is made up of tiny crosses of varying size. Phew!
The black strip was worn last season while a special edition third strip was commissioned to mark the 25th anniversary of the club's formation..
(Justin Newell, Daniel Hutcheson)
Designer: Joma
Sponsor: Just Employent Law
The new yellow and red strip takes us back to the early 70s and is straightforward. The change strip has, however, attracted a lot of comment. Thistle are an inclusive club and it was with that in mind that they decided to feature the LGBTQ+ Pride flag in the shirt trim. While the majority have welcomed this, some have made negative comments on social media. This reflects the homophobia that pervades the game and is completely out of step with modern attitudes. According to the Office for National Statistics 6.8% of the UK population identify as LGBTQ+ yet in 130 years of history there has been just one openly gay footballer in Scotland. While Thistle's kit is not going to change that, it is one small step in challenging homophobia and HFK supports the club's stance unreservedly.
(Detenator Ninety)
24 August v Ayr Utd
Designer: Macron
Sponsor: BB Body Repairers
The new first strip is nothing to write home about but I do like the red and white alternative, a bespoke design chosen from a shortlist by supporters. The Doonhamers played their first competitive match on 16 August 1919 and to mark the centenary a special kit was commissioned for the visit to Ayr (24 August) and the home match with Alloa six days later, the matche played closest to the anniversary.
(Russel Campbell)